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Dr HitteshGurujee

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Dr HitteshGurujee - Tratak (Gazing)

✔ Do predictions, receive guidance and messages

✔ Experience enhanced vision, intuition and all senses

✔ Receive Gurujee and team’s lifetime support

✔ Option to receive personal guidance from Gurujee

Mystic Lotus Divination Shakti Virtual Summit 2022

Highlights from the Call

Click Here - From predicting the future to forgiveness, having a clear vision has innumerable benefits

Click Here - 5 obstacles stopping you from becoming your best version, as shared by Dr HitteshGurujee

Click Here - Interesting activity reveals how much our eyes really see and what we can do about it

Click Here - Are negative energies attracted due to Tratak (gazing)? Find out from Dr HitteshGurujee

Click Here - See how award-winning healer, Dr HitteshGurujee can easily read a person and give specific guidance

Click Here - How Tratak (Gazing) technique can awaken all areas of life beyond belief after learning


CLICK HERE to watch Call Replay 2

Awaken Your Psychic Powers with Tratak

Tratak means gazing into something. A modality known for its powers across ages, it is mentioned in the vedic, yogic and tantric scriptures.

When one masters this technique, their intuition increases, all other senses heighten and they get messages and guidance for a better future. A lot of things can be used for gazing, such as, candle flame, mirror, crystal, water and even coffee mug!

Gurujee teaches this technique from his decades of learning and experience from various ascended masters across time. 

How It Works

It is said our human life is governed by 80% with the sense of sight (eyes). By increasing the power of our eyes steadily, we can become a living miracle!

Gurujee believes that if we wish to be an expert in any art of divination and be a good reader, then we must have a good vision. He mentions that when we look outside, all we see is just 5%, but when we look within, we can see the entire universe and get the knowledge of everything!

Fantastic Benefits of Learning Tratak with Dr HitteshGurujee

★ Learn to see without using your eyes!

★ Understand your vision beyond your eyes

★ Not just eyesight, all of your senses get honed

★ Be able to see the hidden truths

★ Mind settles down. It’s the end of overthinking, worrying and negative thoughts

★ Already a healer? Your healing powers will enhance after this!

★ Of course - predict, receive messages and guidance with the power of Tratak!

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About Dr HitteshGurujee


Dr HitteshGurujee is a PhD in social sciences and an award-winning practitioner of Numerology, Astrology, Sawaroday, Vastu Shastra, Aura & Chakra cleansing and many more modalities. He has been awarded as the ‘Best Astrologer’ for 9 years by Ayush Mantralaya and has received several awards (listed below).

So profound, relatable and popular is Gurujee's knowledge that he has done countless shows on Indian television and has also appeared on American and British TV channels and radio. He is also the author of spiritual books such as ‘Aura’, ‘Puja of Sri Yantra and Laxmi’ and ‘Navgrah remedies for nine planets’. He has also released several meditation and Mantra CDs.

He is the founder and President of the NGO, Vidhyaa Art of Eternal Science, which conducts meditation and stress relief programs for people and in orphanages.

More Awards Won / Recognition for Dr HitteshGurujee:

• ‘PhD. in Spiritual Sciences (SRI VIDHYAA)’ by the Government of Karnataka (2015)

• ‘Best Speaker’ Third International Conference in Mysore on Sri Vidhyaa (2015)

• ‘Best Astrologer on Astrology Show on television’ by Business & Entertainment Global Awards

• ‘Best Astrologer’ consecutively for five years from 2012 till 2016 by AAROGYAM

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