Mystic Lotus Divination Shakti Virtual Summit 2022
Highlights from the Call
• Click Here - What is Cartomancy? How can we use playing cards for guidance? Find out with Neelam Gheewala
• Click Here - Accurate group reading, so many resonated! Does it ring a bell for you too? Receive from Neelam
• Click Here - 52 cards in a deck. 52 weeks in a year. What’s the connection? Revealed by Neelam Gheewala
• Click Here - Receive channelled message from the Universe by Cartomancy expert, Neelam Gheewala
• Click Here - Is anybody around the corner for you in the next 2 weeks? Find out from Cartomancy expert, Neelam
• Click Here - How is your love life looking in the next 2 weeks? Find out from Cartomancy expert, Neelam Gheewala
• Click Here - Mini reading-sessions with Playing Cards (Cartomancy). See how everything has a guidance with Neelam
• Click Here - A Doctor found life-altering guidance from a deck of playing cards with Cartomancy expert, Neelam
• Click Here - How to become a Cartomancy Champion and regain confidence for life with expert, Neelam Gheewala
CLICK HERE to watch Call Replay 2
About Cartomancy
Cartomancy is receiving messages and guidance for different aspects of our lives from the playing cards lying around in the house! Yes; the ones you use to play with for Fun!
Right from relationships, pregnancy, third party interferences to jobs, weather and guidance to students about subjects best suited for them, Cartomancy can be your trusted partner to show guidance for every burning question in your mind!
Cartomancy is one of the easiest (and fun!) guidance and prediction tool even if you are a beginner or have little knowledge about this field.
How It Works
Following the principle of the 4 elements of Earth, water, fire and air along with the basic principles of Numerology, this ordinary looking deck can help you predict, guide and even describe people and situations!
A whole calendar in itself, Cartomancy can help one in decision making for day to day tasks and even guide people for many important situations of life. (Neelam teaches how to do this in her workshop!)
Benefits of Learning Cartomancy with Neelam
★ Plan for success with your very own cards ‘calendar’
★ Learn to predict about jobs, finding soulmates, marriage proposals, etc.
★ Guide children and students to know their strengths, subjects, career choices, etc.
★ Protect yourself from pain, uncertainty, incompatibility in relationships and partnerships
★ Excellent tool for existing healers
★ Crisp guidance for stuck situations, conflicts and next steps in any area of life!

About Neelam Gheewala

With many modalities under her hat viz. Runes, Astrology, face reading among others, Neelam is a gifted Psychic and a Cat Mom!
She is an actor too! As an actor, she could easily relate to the intense emotions of the characters she played, but little did she know that this ability to empathise and feel deep emotions wasn’t just a theatre technique but indeed a spiritual gift from the Universe!
As the saying goes, in divine timing, everything just falls into place and that’s what happened with Neelam as she chanced upon learning one of the many modalities she currently practises which led to an outburst of the spiritual powers within her. As if the modalities were finding her!
With the Universe guiding her, Neelam aims to reach out to many more souls and let them into the sacred access of divine knowledge.