Mystic Lotus Divination Shakti Virtual Summit 2022
Highlights from the Call
• Click Here - Telepath, Transcendence, Tulsi - Pick a word and receive your 2023 Forecast + Remedies from Siddhii
• Click Here - Receive Money messages based on how you feel about your Money reality
• Click Here - Receive unique process to empower your Money Growth
• Click Here - If this is possible in 5 mins, imagine what can happen in an Angel card reading session with Siddhii
• Click Here - Daily successes all around by applying Angel readings and remedies learnt from Siddhii Shaah
• Click Here - Successful description of one of the most comprehensive Angel reading and healing courses ever!
CLICK HERE to watch Call Replay 2
CLICK HERE to watch Call Replay 2
About The Celestial Angels Healing System
Bring out your true potential and psychic powers as you channelise the wisdom and Guiding light of the Angels through Angel Cards - Give accurate readings clubbed with the most suited remedies and solutions for one and all.
Don’t just learn spreads, but learn how to sharpen your skills and empower your psychic abilities. Oftentimes, Readers find it difficult to get through the blurry lines between guided messages and mere imagination of the mind, but with this workshop, that isn’t a cause of concern as You will learn to distinguish between them.
With more than 150 students under her wing, Siddhii goes the extra mile to empower her students through her special notes, practice sessions with challenging rounds to get the best learnings.
How does it work?
Angels can help you in ways more than one, right from finding Guidance for what the future holds to understanding and learning from past mistakes.
Angels can help in resolving diverse issues right from Money and Marriages to property, family disputes and court cases. With accurate timelines! Now isn’t this something awesome!
Although there might not be any clear story behind the origin of Oracle Card Readings, It is one of the ancient techniques of Divination with a number of anecdotes about many receiving Divine Guidance through signs and miracles.
Consistently Communicating with Angels and Working with Them –
- Raise your vibrations and increase your joy and abundance
- Receive guidance to improve health, relationships, finances, etc.
- Speeds up the manifestation process
- Helps you live with more love and less fear thanks to Angels’ gentle healing energies
- Gives clarity in any situation and ensures you are going in the right direction
- Makes you feel empowered and improves your focus in life

About Siddhii Shaah

The Dragon of Healing, Siddhii Shaah was just another Corporate woman until the Magic of Angels and Dragons came to her. She has successfully transformed, healed and touched lives of more than 10,000 people through her miraculous readings and healings.
Siddhii has been successful in healing various complex issues right from pregnancy complications and premature babies growth to weight reduction, hair and skin issues and even finances.
With a huge number of 60 plus spiritual healing courses, she is an exemplary teacher, healer and Guide to everyone who comes to her. Especially known to be a channel to Angels and Dragon spirits, she is a master of a 100+ Healing courses but her most substantial asset is her Celestial Dragons Healing System, which is true to her alone.