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Nidhu B Kapoor

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Awaken The Force Within You!!

Do 10 of the Fastest Chakra Balancing & Healing Decrees for Yourself

✓ Become a Chakra-FREEDOM Specialist (Help others heal)


✓ Training Packages Includes Training PLUS Healing!


✓ Get class recordings, group support & e-certificate

Healers' Training Summit 2024


call 1 replay
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Highlights from Call 1

Click Here - to check your anxiety symptoms!

Click Here - What is Healing? What is it not? Find out in 2 MINUTES!

Click Here - Feel less anxious in 10 SECONDS! Try this now wherever you are

Click Here - Embrace Your anxiety LIKE THIS! Say out your anxiety aloud and feel better immediately

Click Here - 5-SECOND hand movement to release anxiety immediately! 

Click Here - 2 MATHS Healing Words!! Just 2 WORDS for instant relief from overwhelm, worry and any anxiety symptom.

Click Here - The ROOT of anxiety in the Tree of Life! Deep understanding of the journey of anxiety and fear in our Tree of Life (Chakras) 

Click Here - 2 BIGGEST Mistakes to Heal anxiety! STOP doing these 2 things for better results in healing anxiety. Know from Nidhu B Kapoor 


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Highlights from Call 2

• Click here - A warm start to any healing step - a Light Prayer, Heart & a Smile! Join and open up instantly

• Click here - The power the Root chakra holds in our tree of life, experiences and healing!

• Click here - It's time to STOP feeling wrong about being afraid, angry, weak and so on (life-changing insights)

• Click here - Just 2 WORDS to release overwhelm, abandonment and more wounds from the childhood!


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anxiety-RELIEVED! with Chakra Healing (2 Group Calls PLUS 8 Days Practice)

@ US$ 50 / Rs 3,602

That's 85% OFF


(Includes PKG A1):
Become an anxiety-FREEDOM Specialist
(Total 8 Training Calls &

6 Healing Calls)

@ US$ 307 / Rs 22,502

That's 77% OFF


30-minute Online Personal

Session with Nidhu

@ US$ 123 / Rs 9,002

That's 73 % OFF


1-Hour Online Personal Session with Nidhu

@ US$ 491 / Rs 36,002

That's 67% OFF

About anxiety-FREEDOM with Word Medicine

(The Decrees)

anxiety and depression disorders are the fastest-growing emotional dysfunctions in the world - more than 5 million medical prescriptions per year are made in the US alone and this is a first-world country!


It’s time anxiety be taken seriously and given its rightful place as an emotional dysregulation, not mental illness...


You are not anxious, you may have anxiety that is scaring, blocking, draining and tiring you and you may not know why! Learn this life-changing difference to begin being empowered in your journey to feeling safe, present, available, confident and fit in your body, life and relationships!


We do this with the world's fastest healing and manifesting work with the owner & sharer, Nidhu B Kapoor! Shifts are IN SECONDS! Imagine feeling better just by saying 2 words! Known as Word Medicine aka Light Medicine aka The Decrees, you will be able to learn it in minutes and be on your way to be stronger and happier

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Some Amazing Results of Word Medicine with Nidhu

“30 years of guilt stress, gone! I have discovered freedom."

- Mala


“My stress is over, my knee pain has also gone in just a minute!"

- Elizabeth


"I’m learning to let go of extreme hatred. Suicidal thoughts don’t come now."

- GG


“18 years of migraine gone in 5 mins! I have only had one minor episode in the last one year and I knew exactly what to do about it!"

- Gayatri


“anxiety gone down. procrastination gone down at least half. I finished so much work in these few days which I have not done in months.”

- Ashu


“I have so much less anxiety and worry about money.”

- Lynn

Nidhu's Limited-Period Special Offers

anxiety-RELIEVED! with Chakra Healing
(2 Group Calls PLUS 8 Days Practice)

Become a Chakra Crackerjack!

Do 10 of the Fastest Chakra Balancing & Healing Decrees for Yourself


✓ 2 Training Group-Calls

✓ INSTANT ACCESS to PDF with 10 Chakra-Decrees Sets

✓ 8 Days Practice (on Telegram group & email)
✓ E-certificate of Completion
✓ BONUS Nidhu’s 3 Summit Call-Replays

Your training and practice also gives you 8 days of your own Chakra healing!

TWO Training Group-Calls!

✓ Audio Calls on Instant Teleseminar @ 6.30pm India / 9am ET

✓ Call recordings will be shared with lifetime access

Training Call 1 (10 Sept 2024, Tuesday)

Learn to easily Open, Tune, Balance, Rhythmise & Harmonise Your Chakras!

Training Call 2 (13 Sept 2024, Friday)

Q&A, Practice, Live Demos

8 Days Practice

(on Telegram group & Email)

✓ From 11 - 18 Sept 2024, get reminders with instructions to do your Chakra work and Chakra-system flossing for daily maintenance

✓ Get audios & PDF with the 10 Chakra-Decrees Sets

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Sample E-Certificate

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PLEASE NOTE: Buyers of Nidhu's 'Family Light Decrees' PACKAGE C in June, you are eligible for special discount!

Please private message us for your separate payment link -

Link to WhatsApp us - 
• Click to send a message -
• Email -

PACKAGE A1 PLUS 30-minute Online
Personal Session with Nidhu



30-Minute Personal Session with Nidhu!

✓ Online one-on-one session with Nidhu

✓ Session tailored for YOUR anxiety-RELIEF

✓ Includes Decree work and Clearings

✓ Receive personalised next steps to continue healing


PLEASE NOTE: Buyers of Nidhu's 'Family Light Decrees' PACKAGE C in June, you are eligible for special discount!

Please private message us for your separate payment link -

Link to WhatsApp us - 
• Click to send a message -
• Email -

PACKAGE B1 (Includes PKG A1):
Become an anxiety-FREEDOM Specialist
(Total 8 Training Calls & 6 Healing Calls)

Become an anxiety-FREEDOM Specialist

Complete Level 1 of Awakening The Force Within For Yourself & Others!


✓ 2 Group Training Calls + 8 Days Practice


✓ 6 More Training Group Calls

✓ 6 Healing (Cone of Silence) Group Calls

✓ 28-Day Telegram Practice


✓ Their corresponding Healing Calls (‘Cone of Silence & Stillness Under the Tree of Life’)

✓ Group anxiety Clearings

✓ Chakra Healing Practice

✓ Working through the wound of abandonment (trauma memories)

✓ Working on individual anxiety symptoms (from the list of 76) as well as the chosen set for that day

✓ Breathwork

All Training calls are audio calls on Instant Teleseminar @ 6.30pm India / 8.30am ET

Call recordings will be shared with lifetime access

TOTAL 8 Training Calls

Includes the 2 Calls from Package A


PLUS TRAINING CALL 3 - 17 Sept 2024

For Central Nervous System (Brain and Spine)

• Includes Nadi Shodhan breathwork, clearing 72,000 Nadis (nerves)

• Bringing chemical balance of Serotonin and Dopamine, Adrenaline and Cortisol (these manage how we deal with happiness, pleasure, stress & stability)

• The importance of rocking and making guttural sounds

• Importance of drinking water

• Using our sweetheart processes and live demos (time permitting)

• Work on 22 SYMPTOMS from the list for anxiety including panic attacks, loud inner critic & MORE! (Symptom no. 1, 5, 7, 10, 16, 17, 21, 23, 31, 32, 37, 38, 41, 43, 47, 48, 51, 62, 63, 67, 68 & 75)

TRAINING CALL 4 - 01 Oct 2024

PART 1 - Releasing alone and lonely programs from DNA (family abandonment)

• Work on 36 SYMPTOMS from the list for anxiety including overwhelm, guilt, narcissistic abuse, feeling unappreciated & MORE! (Symtpom no. 1, 2, 7, 9, 12, 13, 15, 18, 19, 20, 23, 26, 27, 35, 39, 42, 44, 45, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 60, 64, 66, 69, 70, 71, 74 & 75)

TRAINING CALL 5 - 08 Oct 2024

PART 2 - Are you really ever alone?! (The Universe & anxiety-FREEDOM)

• Work on 19 SYMPTOMS from the list for anxiety including procrastination, loneliness, phobias, dealing with acidity/ allergies & MORE! (Symptom no. 4, 5, 12, 13, 18, 19, 29, 30, 31, 41, 42, 43, 47, 49, 57, 64, 67, 69 & 70)

TRAINING CALL 6 - 22 Oct 2024

PART 3 - Depression Relief Special (Unmissable even if you are not depressed!)

• Work on 32 SYMPTOMS from the list for anxiety including inability to relax, chronic fatigue, emotional eating, stubborn weight concerns & MORE! (Symptom no. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 21, 25, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35, 39, 44, 45, 47, 51, 54, 55, 57, 60, 61, 63, 64, 69, 70 & 74)

(This work is not a substitute for medication, it is a support system so MindFULL and responsible BE!)

TRAINING CALL 7 - 05 Nov 2024

Manifestation Call, unworthiness REPLACED BY Confidence!

• By now, you would be in the awareness of anxiety (and not anxious), it's arrival symptoms so you can rapidly release them before escalation and are not so afraid/scared or phobic anymore (YAY!)

• This call is a MANIFESTATION CALL where we will use The Decrees to attract what we want

TRAINING CALL 8 - 12 Nov 2024

QED (quod erat demonstrandum) Quite Easily Done!

• Quite Easily Done → QED (quod erat demonstrandum) (Latin for "that which was to be demonstrated”!)

• Includes summation, Q&A, pending doubts and live group practice where we will buddy up and do sessions live on the call

6 HEALING GROUP CALLS ‘Cone of Silence & Stillness Under the Tree of Life’

• The Cones support the training calls where you will come and receive the energy. Each call is attached to that week’s Training Call! For e.g. Training Call 1 (for The Central Nervous system, CALMER!) will carry the energy for our most super Nervous system...


Heal, train the mind and slow down, even quieten mental chatter that increases due to anxiety


• Get Decree of the day, Mudra / handhold


30-min Silent Audio Calls on Instant Teleseminar On 20 Sept, 4, 11 & 25 Oct, 8 & 15 Nov 2024 @ 6pm India / 8.30am ET Replays will be available for 24 hours only

28-Day Practice on Telegram group & email

• Receive instructions, Decrees & reminders for practice from 22 Sept - 10 Nov 2024 (excluding festival breaks for Navratri and Diwali)

Program Schedule

All TRAINING CALLS are at 6.30pm India Time / 9am ET 
Please note: USA daylight hours change 3rd November onwards, so the timings there will change (exact timings will be shared with call links and reminders)


• Training Call 1 - 10 Sept 2024
Open, Tune, Balance, Rhythmise & Harmonise Your Chakras!


• Training Call 2 - 13 Sept 2024
Chakra Healing - Q&A, Practice, Live Demos


• Training Call 3 - 17 Sept 2024
For Central Nervous System (Brain and Spine)


• Training Call 4 - 01 Oct 2024
PART 1 - Releasing alone and lonely programs from DNA (family abandonment)


• Training Call 5 - 08 Oct 2024
PART 2 - Are you really ever alone?! (The Universe & anxiety-FREEDOM)


• Training Call 6 - 22 Oct 2024
PART 3 - Depression Relief Special (Unmissable even if you are not depressed!)


• Training Call 7 - 05 Nov 2024
Manifestation Call, unworthiness REPLACED BY Confidence!


• Training Call 8 - 12 Nov 2024
QED (quod erat demonstrandum) Quite Easily Done!

All CONE OF SILENCE & STILLNESS CALLS are at 6pm India Time / 8.30am ET -
Please note: USA daylight hours change 3rd November onwards, so the timings there will change (exact timings will be shared with call links and reminders)

• Cone of Silence & Stillness Call 1 - 20 Sept 2024


• Cone of Silence & Stillness Call 2 - 4 Oct 2024


• Cone of Silence & Stillness Call 3 - 11 Oct 2024


• Cone of Silence & Stillness Call 4 - 25 Oct 2024


• Cone of Silence & Stillness Call 5 - 8 Nov 2024


• Cone of Silence & Stillness Call 6 - 15 Nov 2024


Practice on Telegram group & email

From 11 - 18 Sept 2024 (Package A1)

From 22 Sept - 10 Nov 2024 (excluding festival breaks for Navratri and Diwali)

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Sample E-Certificate



PLEASE NOTE: Buyers of Nidhu's 'Family Light Decrees' PACKAGE C in June, you are eligible for special discount!

Please private message us for your separate payment link -

Link to WhatsApp us - 
• Click to send a message -
• Email -

1-Hour Online Personal Session with Nidhu



1-hour Personal Session with Nidhu!

✓ Online one-on-one session with Nidhu

✓ Session tailored for YOUR anxiety-RELIEF

✓ Includes Decree work and Clearings

✓ Receive personalised next steps to continue healing



✓ Entry in Nidhu’s Special October Money Call




PLEASE NOTE: Buyers of Nidhu's 'Family Light Decrees' PACKAGE C in June, you are eligible for special discount!

Please private message us for your separate payment link -

Link to WhatsApp us - 
• Click to send a message -
• Email -

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Meet Your Trainer, Nidhu B Kapoor
Original Master, Creator & Sharer of The Decrees (Word Medicine)

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If it is simple and empowering, gentle but powerful, I will have it in my toolkit because my promise is - shifts within 10 seconds and results showing in the world within 24 to 72 hours. In fact, I am the only practitioner in the world doing 5 mins and 10 mins Speedster one-on-one personal sessions!


This unique blend of words and body processes take you from Pain to Peace in the shortest time possible (depending on the negative Karma). Expect results instantaneously!!


My work is as scientific as it is spiritual and uses both eastern medicine (like in the principles of acupressure, pranayama, Qi Gong, Jin Shin Jyutsu, visualisation, Ho'oponopono, the Vedas and mudras) and western philosophy (like in talk therapy, transactional analysis, the laws of attraction &  allowing & manifesting, multidimensional work, understandings of the subconscious and conscious mind, the shadow self and the power of limiting beliefs). I have used all of these to create and develop Word Medicine aka The Decrees, which is hands down, the fastest healing process in the world - it actually works instantaneously!


You have the right to be healthy and happy and with The Decrees, this goal is now closer than ever! Working for everyone at all ages as well animals and plants, computers and phones, this is a game changer for life!

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About The Mystic Lotus and Dragonflies

Your one-stop online destination for top healing experts offering a diverse range of healing services, certified workshops, masterclasses, personal consultations and much more for a healed, healthy and happy You! Also here, you can become a professional healing expert by choosing and learning from a wide choice of tried-and-tested healing techniques with successful trainers.


benefitted worldwide


healing packages delivered


Masterclasses held

If you have any questions or need help, connect with us:


Ph: +91 93220 17119

Click to WhatsApp:

Click to message on Telegram:

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