Hello Muggles…
I am sharing a synopsis of my journey with divination modalities. If you are troubled by health issues, financial problems, or career blockages, this is the blog you should read. I’ll bring you the most unique ideas to heal yourself as a squadmate of The Mystic Lotus and Dragonflies.
Read the entire blog to unravel your path towards healing.
I grew up hearing stories of witches and wizards, long tales from the past and present of encountering the spirit or otherworldy beings. I had often come across the words “dhamee,” “Jhakri,” and “ojha” which means shamans in the Indian languages. Yet, I had never met them.
Shamans originated from the Tungus tribe of Siberia around 10,000 years ago. This is what the history books and articles would tell. But, I always felt, that shamans originated from different cultures and different shamans work in their own ways. Maybe the word shaman originated from a particular culture but, some shamans come from different cultures and there is no other word to describe them.
I read about the four Vedas. One of them was Atharaveda, which contained a collection of hymns and prayers, remedies for medicine, and knowledge about black magic and other occult practices. The Vedas fascinated me but also scared the hell out of me! The Vedas held immense expertise and it could be used in any freaking way! This makes me realise the fact that Vedas can be utilised for shamanism too. Indeed there are shamans in India who do that. Yes, Ojha, Dhamee, and Jhakri do it but, not every person has access to reach them. I wonder if it is possible that we don’t have to go to the Shaman, yet, they can heal us? I got my answer when I attended The Mystic Lotus AWESOME! Divination Summit 2024.

My encounter with a Shaman!
Last Tuesday, I attended a Zoom call on The Mystic Lotus and Dragonflies. The call was about Shamanic Divination and the B&C Miracle Method with the shamans Brenda and Charu. Yes, this was my chance to meet a real-world shaman. The best part was I didn’t have to go to them in person. This was happening virtually but, was as real as it could be!
It was nothing like I expected— “Shamans with drums and dreadlocks,” but it was a completely new experience. I met with a modern-day shaman, or at least it was the way a modern-day shaman would look—just like me and you, but they brought about an aura of calmness.
Brenda and Charu addressed the audience from scratch about shamanism or what it takes to be a shaman, then I knew, I was at the right place to learn. During the call, I came across a few words like power animal, teacher, and spirit guide. I was fascinated to learn that power animals, teachers, and spirit guides had a home in the upper and lower realms. It was so relatable as it answered my childhood question, “Where do the spirits go?” Did you also have this question when you were a child? Comment down and let us also know about your experience.
On the call, we were asked to go almost into a state of meditation as Brenda and Charu summoned our power animal. This was the part that completely blew my mind. To my surprise, I could see a white horse and there was my power animal.
If you want to get your power animal, check this out YouTube video.
My favourite part of the call was when they gave chance to random people to be on an individual call with our Shamans. Brenda and Charu had gone out of their way to establish a new healing modality the B&C Miracle Method which they said, can heal you almost at the speed of light. When people came on the call their issues were instantly resolved as Brenda and Charu channelized the ancient and modern healing energies to heal them.
If you want to start your journey from a muggle to a Shaman you can join Brenda and Charu’s personal session or a shamanic expert session here.
For more such intriguing information keep coming back to The Mystic Lotus Blogs.
PS: A Muggle is a non-magical person in a Harry Potter series–just like you and me. Informally, it means someone unfamiliar with a specific skill or word.
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Until next time…
Hi everyone I am Emily Naomi wanna give a big thanks to this wonderful psychic for bringing my husband back to me.. I never really believed in magic spells or anything spiritual but a trusted friend opened my eyes to the truth about life. My marriage was heading to divorce a few months ago. I was so confused and devastated with no clue or help on how to prevent it, till I was introduced to this psychic Priest Ray that did a love spell and broke every spiritual distraction from my marriage. A day later my husband started showing me love and care even better than it used to be, he’s ready to talk things through and find ways for…