As kids, we are incredibly close to our parents, it’s like they are our best friends. But as we grow up, things change. The teenage years kick in, rebellion sets in and over time, our relationship with our mother and father starts to shift, often becoming strained or distant.

But have you ever considered how much your relationship with your parents, both individually and as a couple, truly affects you? We often assume it’s just a phase and that things will work themselves out. But what if I told you that the challenges and blocks you face today might be deeply connected to these relationships?
From back pain to indecisiveness, many of your struggles can be traced back to your relationship with your parents.
Curious to know more? You’ve come to the right place! If you’re wondering where this is going and what’s about to unfold, stay with me. I was in the same boat until I attended The Mystic Lotus Global Awesome! Healers Training Summit 2025, where the very first call was led by none other than the OG, Nidhu B Kapoor, the Owner & Sharer of The Decrees - world’s fastest transformative language.
As expected, the call was fantastic and full of insights! 🎉
This time, Nidhu took us through deep healing - healing mother wounds, understanding our relationship with our mothers and transforming "motherload" into "Motherloade." She also gave us insight into fathers and their impact on our lives, what their absence can lead to and how the dynamic between our parents shapes us.
There was a lot to unpack in this call, so let’s break it down, relationship by relationship.
The Mother Connection: The Heartbeat of Your Life
Mothers are the heartbeat of the home, the feminine Shakti in our lives. They govern family, home, food, clothing, shelter and even your ability to receive money!
Yes, your ability to receive money is directly connected to your relationship with your mother.
Mother Earth is also represented by the mother archetype, so if you often feel ungrounded, you now know where that stems from.
Mother energy also governs the left side of the body and the right side of the brain - the seat of emotions. Your lower back, intestines, digestive organs and reproductive system are all influenced by your connection with your mother.
Since we come from the womb (a lower part of the body), our "sacral chakra" holds deep-rooted mother energy.
For women, this may come as a surprise, but conditions like PCOS, PCOD, PMS and other menstrual or ovarian issues are often connected to unresolved mother wounds.
I couldn’t help but think of a close friend of mine who has a distant, cold relationship with her mother. She suffers from severe PCOD, so painful that she struggles to walk, eat or even talk during flare-ups. Another friend of mine also has PCOD, but since her relationship with her mother isn’t as strained, her condition is far more manageable.
And then I thought about other women I know who have healthy bodies and pain-free cycles, they all have great relationships with their mothers!
When Nidhu mentioned this, I was completely awestruck. It made so much sense!
So, if you're facing any issues related to your sacral chakra or the lower part of your body, it's time to heal your mother-wounds. Keep reading…I’ll tell you exactly how!
The Father Connection: The Strength & Power in Your Life
Fathers are often seen as superheroes or superdads. The providers and protectors of the house. They represent the "roof" over our heads and serve as a strong pillar of support.
Father energy governs the right side of the body and the left side of the brain - the seat of logic, strength, power and stamina. Fathers spark confidence in us.
Ever feel shy, insecure or introverted? that has to do with your father’s presence and availability in your life?
Since fathers are also associated with money-making and provision, if you're struggling financially or finding it difficult to earn, it could be a sign that your relationship with your father needs healing.
Your Parents’ Dynamic & How It Shapes You
Children thrive when they have functional, harmonious parents. On the flip side, kids of dysfunctional parents often face struggles like indecisiveness, opposing thoughts and a fragmented sense of self.
When Nidhu mentioned this, I immediately connected with it. It resonated so much! If you've ever felt "blocked" in life, whether in decision-making, relationships or personal growth, your parents' dynamic might be playing a role.
Healing the Trinity: Mother, Father & You
Now, here’s the best part: you CAN heal these relationships!
For Mother Healing
Nidhu shared a powerful Decree (aka the world’s fastest healing medicine! 🏆) with the magic word ‘My’, just repeating the phrase for 6 times is proven to do wonders!
The Decrees are powerful words that instantly relieves and shifts energies. During the call, Nidhu did a Q&A also where attendees shared their experiences and I saw a mother asking how she could heal her daughter!
For Father & Parent Healing
Nidhu introduced the Brain Balancing Decree, a quick 5-second bodywork technique to balance the Corpus Callosum (the bridge between the left and right brain). You can quickly balance both parts of your brain with this simple technique, literally how cool is that!
Not only did I gain deep insights, understanding the "why," the root causes, and where it all stems from but I also received powerful remedies and guidance on how I CAN heal it with of course the simplest, fastest most effective healing modality ‘The Decrees’! And that’s what true healing is about, right? No matter where you are on your journey, the results are inevitable. In the end, you walk away feeling enlightened and empowered.
All three of Nidhu’s calls were action-packed, filled with transformative wisdom and left me with so much to take away! The best part is I always thought healing is a long process, which not only takes so much of your time but also you have to wait longer for the results, The Decrees just make everything simpler, its QUICK, it only takes 3-5 SECONDS of yours in a day, it gives you INSTANT results! 🌟✨
Are you ready to heal? Watch these transformative sessions and simply witness swift and speedy results!
If you feel like your relationship with your mother, father or both needs healing, I highly recommend watching Nidhu’s incredibly wise and insightful calls.
Take my word for it, you’ll walk away with a fresh perspective, guaranteed!
📌 Watch the Mother Healing Call Here:
📌 Watch the Father & Parent Dynamics Call Here:
Wishing you all peace and positivity,
Hi everyone I am Emily Naomi wanna give a big thanks to this wonderful psychic for bringing my husband back to me.. I never really believed in magic spells or anything spiritual but a trusted friend opened my eyes to the truth about life. My marriage was heading to divorce a few months ago. I was so confused and devastated with no clue or help on how to prevent it, till I was introduced to this psychic Priest Ray that did a love spell and broke every spiritual distraction from my marriage. A day later my husband started showing me love and care even better than it used to be, he’s ready to talk things through and find ways for…